Short course on Computing and Modelling with R

If anyone wants the pleasure (ahem) of learning how to do statistics with R on a short course, or knows someone that does, there’s a course in April with a really excellent tutor. Cannot speak highly enough of him.

Computing and Modelling with R

10th-12th April 2018

The course is split into three days; participants can attend one day or more. All days will consist of interactive workshops, together with  time for guided computational practice on the material, supported by the lecturer and additional experts on the R language. Lunch will be provided on each day. Computers are provided, or participants can use their own laptop.

Day 1 is suitable for people with no experience of R, and will be an introduction to programming in R. There is little mathematical statistical knowledge assumed, and will be an introduction to the programming language.

Day 2 will be suitable for those that have attended Day 1, or who have some previous experience in  R. It will give an overview of statistical modelling in R.

Day 3 will focus on more advanced techniques for programming in R. It will focus on methods for visualisation in data science, with applications driven from Biological applications, and assumes some programming knowledge in R, such as that from Day 1 of the course.

More details here

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